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We started our love story 3 years ago. In reality, I am always afraid that each day the feeling will become stronger and well, you know very well that I have those voids. I ask God that this relationship be full of respect, trust, loyalty and above all that you decide to love me despite my imperfections, that you always look at me with the same eyes that you fell in love with me with. I assure you that if you choose me you will have all true love.
Thank you for every moment together my love, you are the most wonderful woman I have ever met, you made me fall in love like you have no idea and I admire your way of being to try to fix our conflicts in the time that it should be and with that you show me the interest that sometimes I feel I lack in small things that maybe for you are insignificant, but for me are very important and it is because I love you with my heart, never forget that I love you too much
You are and always will be my beautiful baby, I promise to always be with you as long as you want to continue fighting for our relationship.
Today is such a special day for both me and you my love today is our anniversary my beautiful baby, I love you very much and I will never tire of showing you all my love.
thank you for putting up with my mood swings, my dramas and tantrums.
I just want to be able to form a family by your side over time.
PARA: Mi Bebe ❤️
DE: Tu Bebe ❤️